As a sound artist, Stefano Murgia constantly explores new methods of creating and presenting music. Initially trained as a sound engineer, Murgia extended his research into the realm of sound during his studies in ArtScience at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. This educational journey allowed him to delve into both philosophical and scientific aspects of sound, during which he began crafting his own instruments and speakers, finding inspiration in the works of Moondog and Harry Partch, among others.

In recent years, Murgia has directed his focus on topics like 'sonic architecture' and 'acoustic ecology.' His explorations have been deeply influenced by the source-path-receiver concept, typically employed in managing environmental noise. However, Murgia took his own approach, utilizing this model as the foundation for his projects. He interprets the source-path-receiver interface as a dynamic interplay involving the creation of the sound source, its designated location, and the nuanced methods of presentation and perception.

Areas of research:
sonic architecture - sonic ecology in an urban setting - acoustics - microtones - the language of objects and sounds - (musical) instruments - (modular) synthesizers - spatial and/or nonlinear compositions - metallurgy

Throughout the past years, I have been generously supported by

Braunschweig Projects

Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industries 
Stroom Den Haag


Fonds Kwadraat