Acousmatic Space Studies
This project is inspired by various sound artists who have been using a specific space as a tool for their spatial music compositions. The inspiration for this project and my fascination for acoustics led me to my current research about spatial compositions based on resonance and acousmatic sounds, sounds that can’t be located visually by the listener. In these studies, I make use of tools such as my modular synthesizer, transducers, DC (vibration) motors, solenoids, and self-made instruments to actuate and resonate found objects in the space.
The Grey Garden
Location The Grey Space in the Middle
the Hague, NL
Event Locating ArtScience #2:
Children of the Space
Date 18 to 22 September 2019
13 DC vibration motors
Teensy 3.6
ULN2803A chips
Speaker wire
Plants from the garden
This project was made possible with the generous support of Stroom Den Haag
and the possibility to work in the Hypergarden at the Grey Space in the Middle